Podcast: Make every day, Motivation Monday

Vertafore.com recently posted a podcast with Mivation’s Seth Preus, who discusses what motivation is and how you can harness the driving forces that will motivate you and your employees. The strategies Seth has found to motivate independent workers (7:15) The differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators (10:08) How to correctly use gamification to boost performance (22:40) […]

Proud to be part of Ignite Northwest’s 25+5 top companies

Mivation is honored to be recognized by Ignite Northwest as one of the 25+ compelling and emerging tech companies in our community. The full article is in the Spokane Journal of Business this week. Great things are happening in Spokane and we are thrilled to be a part of it!

Managing and Metrics

Resources If you are a manager and you are freaking out right now because you can’t see what your working-from-home team is doing, it may have nothing to with remote workers and everything to do with how you manage performance data. The current anxiety is the overdue result of two critical failures relating to performance […]