Move from managing to influencing. Ensure your team knows what they need to do, why they need to do it, and how they can get it done.
Leaderboard Legends drives team engagement by triggering both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators to highlight more reasons to achieve. Reason like personal accountability through…
Mivation’s solutions are designed to work with all types of businesses. We have extensive knowledge in data integration. We’d love to talk more about how our solutions can fit with your industry.
Mivation was born in the insurance industry. Join the 3,000+ captive, independent, and direct carrier sales teams using Mivation to track, analyze, and incentivize their sales teams.
An insurance agency’s success may be measured by premium collected, but it is determined by activities conducted. Mivation not only motivates sales success, but it also drives the leading indicators that make sales success possible.
“I simply could not run my agencies without Racing Snail. I have too many locations and too many staff to manage through spreadsheets. Racing Snail doesn’t just make it possible, it makes it easy.”
Perry Olson – Agent, Captive Carrier
Racing Snail is a powerful yet flexible productivity software that provides insurance agents with far more than simple commission calculations and static reporting. Thousands of successful insurance agents use Racing Snail to effectively manage activities, automate complex compensation planning, and illuminate critical ROI data. Racing Snail delivers information that drives greater sales volume and more agency profits by focusing producers on the metrics that make an agency successful.
Racing Snail’s continuous improvement cycle allows agents to Plan, Incent to Plan, Measure & Track to Plan and Analyze Results. Leveraging this cycle leads to greater production, accountability and profitability.
Accountability for Leading & Lagging Indicators
Effectively managing activities (leading indicators) is essential to achieving predictable sales results (lagging indicator). Hold producers accountable for consistently completing the income-producing activities that lead to sales. Racing Snail not only provides clear visibility into goal progress but also illuminates the relationship between activities and sales so that producers have a data-driven roadmap to sales success.
Actionable Business Intelligence
Two of the largest expenditures for an agency are marketing and staff. By illustrating their profitability, Racing Snail empowers agents to move marketing dollars to profitable sources, adjust compensation to match productivity, and identify low and high-performing producers to maximize the agency’s investment in sales and marketing.
Hover mouse to zoom image
Growth-Targeted Compensation
Racing Snail enables agents to match their producers’ compensation with the agency’s objectives. Whether the objective is financial services sales, retention, or profitable production, Racing Snail can provide a compensation plan to support it. There is indeed a formula for increasing production by a significant amount; a formula Racing Snail maximizes.
Thousands of agencies have been using our software for more than fifteen years, revealing that there is indeed a “Magic Formula” for significantly improving performance. Our analysis of more than 25,000 insurance producers demonstrated that agencies that utilize specific functions of Racing Snail average 43% greater performance than those that do not. Watch the video below to learn more.