Mastery – I’m good at my job and getting better

The intrinsic motivator of Mastery relates to our desire to be awesome at something. It feels good to know that you are a “rock star” at a skill. But it’s not just about being good, it’s about continuously getting better. Intrinsic motivators like mastery are really a recipe for what makes us happy. While most […]

Podcast: Motivate Your Agency’s Team to Achieve World Class Performance recently posted a podcast with Mivation’s Seth Preus, who discusses what it would mean to an agency if everyone on the team got to the next level. Seth Preus is an advisor to Mivation, and the creator of both Racing Snail and Leaderboard Legends.  As a thought leader, he uses his 25 years of […]

A Fish Story

Extrinsic and intrinsic motivators appear to be contradictory of one another. Extrinsic motivators are tangible, controlled by a third party, and are not directly connected to the work itself. On the other hand, intrinsic motivators are intangible, originate from within a person, and are directly connected to the work. But is it possible that one […]